1.讓遊戲玩的次數可以選擇。 (但若輸入 1 以下, 則遊戲結束)
int y,c,p,n; //y 遊戲次數計數. c 電腦猜測, p 玩家猜測, n 遊戲次數

int y,c,p,n;//y 遊戲次數計數. c 電腦猜測, p 玩家猜測, n 遊戲次數
printf("Input the number of games :");scanf("%d",&n);
   printf("Game over.");
else {

      printf("Input your select (0:scissors 1:stone 2:cloth):");
      c=rand()%3; // 0,1,2 剪刀,石頭,布
      printf("Computer guess it is %d\nresult:",c);
      if(p==c){ //電腦與玩家猜得一樣
      else if(((p==0)&&(c==1))||((p==1)&&(c==2))||((p==2)&&(c==0))){
         printf("You loss\n");
      else {
         printf("You win\n");

   並顯示玩家勝率。 (勝率公式: 勝的次數/遊戲總次數)

//y 遊戲次數計數. c 電腦猜測, p 玩家猜測, n 遊戲次數, win 玩家贏次數, loss 玩家輸次數, x 勝率控制
int y,c,p,n,win,loss;
printf("Input the number of games :");scanf("%d",&n);
   printf("Game over.");
else {
      printf("Input your select (0:scissors 1:stone 2:cloth):");
      printf("Computer guess it is %d\nresult:",c);
      if(p==c){ //電腦與玩家猜得一樣
      else if(((p==0)&&(c==1))||((p==1)&&(c==2))||((p==2)&&(c==0))){
         printf("You loss\n");
      else {
         printf("You win\n");
   printf("The number of wins:%d\n",win);
   printf("The number of lost:%d\n",loss);
   printf("The possibility of winning the    game:%4.1f%%\n",(float)win/n*100);

return 0;

//y 遊戲次數計數. c 電腦猜測, p 玩家猜測, n 遊戲次數, win 玩家贏次數, loss 玩家輸次數
int y,c,p,n,win,loss;
printf("Input the number of games :");scanf("%d",&n);
   printf("Game over.");
else {
      printf("Input your select (0:scissors 1:stone 2:cloth):");
      c=(p+2)%3; // 相當於 p-1 並循環,當 p=1,則 c=0;當 p=2,則 c=1;當 p=0,則 c=2;
      printf("Computer guess it is %d\nresult:",c);
      if(p==c){ //電腦與玩家猜得一樣
      else if(((p==0)&&(c==1))||((p==1)&&(c==2))||((p==2)&&(c==0))){
         printf("You loss\n");
      else {
         printf("You win\n");
   printf("The number of wins:%d\n",win);
   printf("The number of lost:%d\n",loss);
   printf("The possibility of winning the    game:%4.1f%%\n",(float)win/n*100);
return 0;
4.控制玩家勝率約在 10% 左右。
//y 遊戲次數計數. c 電腦猜測, p 玩家猜測, n 遊戲次數, win 玩家贏次數, loss 玩家輸次數, x 勝率控制
int y,c,p,n,win,loss,x;
printf("Input the number of games :");scanf("%d",&n);
   printf("Game over.");
else {
      printf("Input your select (0:scissors 1:stone 2:cloth):"   );
      if(x<10) //玩家必勝
         c = (p+2)%3; // 相當於 p-1 並循環
      else if(x<55) //電腦必勝
         c = (p+1)%3;
      else //平手
         c = p;

      printf("computer guess it is %d\nresult:",c);
      if(p==c){ //電腦與玩家猜得一樣
      else if(((p==0)&&(c==1))||((p==1)&&(c==2))||((p==2)&&(c==0))){
      printf("Computer win\n");
   else {
      printf("You win\n");
printf("The number of wins:%d\n",win);
printf("The number of lost:%d\n",loss);
printf("The possibility of winning the game:%4.1f%%\n",(float)win/n*100);